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Women in Sport

by katie malkinson 30 Nov 2011 0 Comments

There has been much debate this week about Women in sport. It was sparked by the announcement of the BBC's "Sports Personality of the Year" in which not a single woman made the short list. My initial reaction was strong. There are a number of female contenders this year including Rebecca Adlington, who won the world freestyle 800 m this year and Chrissie Wellington the World Ironman world recorder holder and champion to name just two. I was also incredulous that the panel of experts across the media that contributed to the short list included 'lads magazines' Zoo and Nuts. I would suggest that neither have strong sport credentials and their view on women is questionable to say the least.

On reflection it has actually demonstrated the lack of profile and therefore public and journalistic interest in many, if not all women's sport. This really worries me. Without strong female models such as Dame Kelly Holmes, girls have no inspirational figures to aspire to. Without this many girls will not carry an interest in sport into their teenage years, let alone adult hood. We have a growing obesity epidemic in the UK, if mothers are not active or interested in sport can we really expect their children to be? 'Activeness' needs to part of family life and be the norm, not something children are made to do whilst the mother looks on. It should be fun,enjoyable and a shared family experience where possible. If women in sport are not given the respect or profile they deserve how will this cycle ever be broken? 

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